Emergencies and making appointments

96 Avenue Carnot 11100 Narbonne

Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Video assisted surgery

Video assisted surgery

What is laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy, also commonly known as laparoscopy, non-invasive abdominal surgery, or endosurgery, is a procedure of abdominal surgery by inserting a small camera (called an optical device or endoscope) through tiny incisions. This minimally invasive technique advantageously replaces conventional abdominal surgery (called laparotomy) for many procedures, both diagnostic and therapeutic.

How is a laparoscopy performed?

Laparoscopy involves accessing the abdominal cavity without opening the abdominal wall.
It is carried out in several stages:

    An “optic” (connected to a camera) is introduced into the abdominal cavity through a small skin incision.

2. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is then introduced into the abdominal cavity. This gas will lift the abdominal wall, creating a space between the wall and the organs where the surgeon can look and introduce his instruments to operate.

3. Finally, "trocars" (kinds of large needles of 5 to 10 mm) are introduced through the wall thus raised, through which the surgeon will pass instruments 5 to 10 mm in diameter to operate (tweezers, scissors, coagulation and suturing instruments, etc.).

Unlike conventional surgery, all the gestures are done at a distance from the organs: the telescope then replaces our eyes and the instruments the hands!
Although this minimally invasive technique requires specific training and experience, there are many advantages for the surgeon and the animals.
What are the advantages of laparoscopy in veterinary surgery?

Laparoscopy has many advantages:

  • decrease in surgical "aggression" on the patient's body, resulting in better comfort and less pain in the postoperative period;
  • reduced risk of scarring complications. There are only 1 or 2 points of skin and the wearing of the collar (jacket) is not obligatory;
  • better visualization of internal structures;
  • decrease in bleeding and the risk of complications;
  • reduction of the risk of infection;
  • and finally: aesthetic interest, since the scars are very small.

Can all abdominal surgeries be performed by laparoscopy?

Even if many techniques are feasible today under laparoscopy in the veterinary environment, not all surgeries can be performed under laparoscopy. It depends on the nature of your animal's problem, its state of health, its size and the experience of the surgeon in his field. A table lists the possible techniques.
List of techniques that can be performed by laparoscopy:

Liver : Biopsy, gallbladder puncture, gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy).

Digestive : Fixing stomach prevention in dogs prone to tors ion of the stomach (gastropexy), biopsy of the intestine, placement of a feeding tube, fixation of the colon (colopexia) during perineal hernia or rectal prolapse.

The pancreas : Biopsy, mass excision or drainage of pancreatic abscess.

S urrenal: Biopsy.

Urinary System
Kidneys: Biopsy, removal of kidney stones.
Bladder: Biopsy, fixation of the bladder (cystopexy), removal of polyps, removal of stones.

reproductive system
Prostate: Biopsy, treatment of paraprostatic cysts.
Testicles: Removal of ectopic testicles.
Ovaries: Convenience sterilization (oophorectomy or ovariohysterectomy).

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